A note about today’s post:
For this post, I have written in generalities, as I felt compelled to write something now, just after the highly distressing, though not surprising, indictment of former President Trump. For future pieces, I plan to write with much greater specificity, including details, evidence, and documentation to support what I write. But that’s for another day. Today, I write only from my troubled heart.
Written one day after the criminally corrupt indictment of former President Trump and posted the next day:
While half the country’s citizens who harbor a visceral hatred for former President Donald J. Trump have spent the last six plus years engaged in repeating the legacy media led vitriol against him, the other half of the country has borne an exacting cost that the Trump-haters remain blissfully ignorant of and could likely not begin to comprehend. Those who are in the Trump-hating tribe find an abundance of consolation and solidarity with the rest of their group, as they discuss the daily ins and outs of the perceived horrors of the Trump presidency and the Make America Great Again movement. Their thoughts and conversations are not only not censored but are encouraged by all of mainstream media and popular culture. The members of this tribe do not typically endure censorship or cancellation or risk being de-platformed or having their businesses destroyed by the slander against them or their bank accounts frozen for simply expressing their God-given, constitutionally-enshrined, right to free speech. Outside of their experiences with COVID these last three years, they are able to live a relatively normal life. They live, however, in a giant bubble, shielded from the harsh realities concealed by those who control our societies.
It is a bubble we all inhabited together for most of our lifetimes, until very recently. While those who have continued residence within the confines of this comfortable bubble go on with their daily lives, focusing on their jobs, their social activities, their choice of Hollywood movies to check out, the other half, the half that dwell outside the bubble, have spent the last several years undergoing a gradual, but exorbitantly rude awakening. It has been a mental, intellectual, social, and spiritual challenge of a scope undefined by generations past. We, as I am among the outside-the-bubble group, have had to walk through life these past few years seeing event after event shatter the illusions of almost all we were ever told throughout our lifetimes, having the veil of secrecy lifted bit by bit from our eyes, with the brutal truth crashing down all around us, as we are drowning in a world where those inside the bubble live as if the world was the same as before we came to know the truth in the age of COVID.
Those of us outside the bubble, in order not to lose the people we love, walk hand in hand with our beloved family members and friends, hand in hand but separated by the fine partition of the bubble. That fine line becomes a filament, sheltering on its inside millions of people still living in their pre-2020 world, while the millions across its margin now experience life as outsiders.
We outsiders have had to take a crash course, with no teachers to guide us, in becoming independent researchers and citizen journalists. We are digital soldiers who, facing Orwellian-levels of censorship, connect through decentralized, alternative platforms. We have had to reinvent our forms of obtaining, sharing, and communicating information, as conventional modes for such activities have ostracized and restricted us. We have had to reinforce our critical thinking skills. In fact, we have had to find alternative options for conducting much of our lives. Many of us felt compelled to leave everything we know, take on the monumental tasks of selling our homes, moving across the country and resettling into communities where we can live out loud, not in colloquial silence when among people with whom we interact.
We did not set out to learn how to fend for ourselves in the pursuit of the truth, but we lived through and bore witness to years of being absolutely lied about, maligned, and attacked for being things we never were, such as white supremacists, racists, or bigots, and we saw our duly elected president, the torch bearer for common sense in a world where everything true had been turned completely upside down, framed, accused, and unscrupulously investigated for a fabricated treasonous crime for three of the four years of his presidency, based on the abject lies of political operatives in the opposition party and within his own party. We saw him persecuted unjustly. We saw him relentlessly, incessantly, and breathlessly assaulted on an ongoing basis, by a politically motivated press corps, driven to “get” him at any and all costs. This included smearing anyone who dared to support him with the most untruthful, hate-filled descriptions. His opponents termed us deplorables, fascists, racists, extremists, and, most harmful of all, domestic terrorists. They described his words by attributing false motives and perverse lies to each utterance. We saw our leader endure the worst vilifications, the most obscene tabloid lies, the nonstop witch hunts, whereby the opponents launched investigation after investigation and malicious prosecution after malicious prosecution, complete with “leaks” to the crucifying press and the burial of all forms of exculpatory evidence, throughout the Trump presidency.
We saw how each time news would emerge, detailing and proving the lies of the Trump-hunters, how each time the news would be completely blacked out across legacy media. We saw how former intelligence officials became embedded in nightly mainstream news media broadcasts, to lend an air of credibility to the pundits’ knowingly false accusations against a sitting president. We saw that same media, who gave inexplicable passes to his opponents for provable and even admitted crimes, pursue years-long narratives to undermine this leader. They were willing to sabotage their own country by sabotaging a sitting US president. They convinced their viewers that lies were facts and that facts were lies. We saw this. We lived this. We lived this up close and personal, with no recourse, no ability to stop this all-powerful machine waging war against an outsider president, our president. We saw layer by layer being peeled back, showing in no uncertain terms that there was an undeniable inequality of justice. For those of us who supported Trump and his practical, results-oriented solutions, the years during these vilifications were agonizing. We knew they were lying…about everything. And worse, we came to realize that the press we had once trusted were the aiders and abettors in those lies.
Our experiences of being dehumanized as deplorable racists, white supremacists, fly-over country rednecks, unlearned, Bible-toting bitter clingers, and of watching our president viciously attacked and lied about with impunity, served to make us become the ones who could “see” the truth when COVID 19 landed on the shores of America. Had we not survived that brutal initiation into the club of narrative-dissenters, we would not have been primed for wielding a healthy skepticism, when the days and then years of COVID lies enveloped the globe.
Even with the newfound distrust in government officials and media narratives, when we could barely wrap our minds around what we had lived through with the constant Trump persecutions, we had no idea that these lies and deceptions during Trump’s term were miniscule in comparison to the global fifth generation warfare being launched against not only Americans, but people spanning the entire globe. We had not the faintest clue of the atrocities to come during COVID, but we had the mindset to see through the massive deceptions. We could spot the BS from miles away; however, we were hard-pressed to have anyone still on the inside of the bubble believe us. It has been a hellish existence; knowing from our own meticulously vigorous research and truth seeking through alternative media sources, about the massive, life-altering, and literally life-and-death deceptions, but to be forced to operate in a world where often nearly everyone around us, even many who are otherwise likeminded, are oblivious to the greatest globally-committed crimes against humanity in all of human history.
We understand why the people on the inside of the bubble stay there. It is nearly impossible to even imagine the scale and scope of the crimes we are seeing. We get that. We know that the people within the bubble are conditioned to believe the government and to believe the media, because we were that way once too, not even very long ago. It breaks our hearts to know that our loved ones cannot see past the lies, but we understand why. We do not think less of them for wanting to hold onto a world that is kind. We miss that world more than we could ever express. We wrestle daily with how we can get through to those who have no idea of the gravity of all we are living through. It torments us in our sleep, when we can get sleep. It is like living in an alternative reality, a separate world - a world apart from the people standing right next to us. And when we stand up to the wrongs we can easily see, we lose many of the people we love, one by one, because we cannot go along with the lies, we cannot enable the usurpation of humanity by an elitist class of globalists, who not only care nothing for us, but also care nothing about those on the inside of the bubble who support them.
This group of globalist sociopaths are hellbent on destroying all norms, all traditions, all conventions, all morality, all that is good, and fully intent on collapsing our civilization, so they can erect their feudalist system of elites (them) and serfs (us). They are so pathological that they would sooner see millions of people extinguished from the human race, than have their corruption and vast network of criminal systems revealed. They are monsters and the monsters are on our doorsteps. We must come together, as the only thing that can stop their dastardly plans for humanity is the strength of our numbers. It is the only thing they fear.
Beautifully written, Bianca. We have been so deceived throughout the years. There is only One we can truly trust, and He said,”I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”
Absolutely Excellent !!! I could not have explained it better. Thank you for a fine truthful article
Andre Fleuret